Sunday, March 25, 2012

HBComics At the NYCBM next weekend!

We're pretty excited.

HBComics is making it's return to the convention circuit in the city that never sleeps, for Mike Carbo's New York Comic Book Marketplace....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Release Date for Lazerman #7

HBComics is excited to announce that Lazerman #7, the final chapter to the "Night Of the Necrolord", will be offically released on April 21, 2012...available for the first time anywhere at the Boston Comiccon!

Note: Digital version will be available on Graphicly shortly thereafter, as well as for order on Indyplanet. We will update you when we have an exact date.

While you are waiting for the release of the conclusion to this epic story, why not catch up on the first two chapters....